Industry News

RIMA-I gives Alexander Schwartz Award to Robert (Bob) Wadsworth, of Innovative Energy

The Reflective Insulation Manufacturers Association International (RIMA-I) gave its Alexander Schwartz Award to Robert (Bob) Wadsworth, of Innovative Energy in Lowell, Ind. Wadsworth is the second Alexander Schwartz Award recipient. He has been engaged in the reflective insulation industry for more than 35 years. Wadsworth has been an active member of RIMA-I, is a past president and served on the board of directors. He held every executive office position, as well as chaired committees and task groups. He conducted seminars at building industry conferences and trade shows. Wadsworth served as RIMA-I’s Industry Expert, fielding online questions and taking phone calls to assist the association in providing reliable information, resources and technical support.

At the fall RIMA-I meetings in Houston, Bobby Byrd, past president of RIMA-I, presented the award to Wadsworth’s son-in-law and daughter, Jonathon Hagarbome and Whitney Hagarbome, who now run Innovative Energy, and accepted the award on Wadsworth’s behalf.
In November of 2016, RIMA-I established the Alexander Schwartz Award. The recipient of this award will have made a significant contribution to the reflective products industry either through technical achievement, leadership, product development, and/or new technology. Through example, they have motivated industry representatives and advanced the reflective products industry and/or RIMA-I and, in turn, contributed to the overall acceptance of reflective products within the building codes and in the overall marketplace.

Robert (Bob) Wadsworth

Bobby Byrd and Jonathon Habarbome